Before I even begin to talk about this show can I applaud
Vanity Fare who are on stage throughout the show, that’s a long day when there’s a matinee show too! I admire their stamina!
Vanity Fare open the show with their hit that wasn’t the one about hitchhiking and from the first note the Liverpool audience were up for it and very lively. I’ve been to some of these shows where it takes a while for the audience to warm up, but not this lot! The chap next to me was clapping and singing along all night and having a whale of a time. I think this was probably my favourite SSSS audience ever!
Brian Poole received a warm welcome to the stage and enticed a few audience members up to dance while just about everyone else was dancing in their seats. The highlight of his set was Someone Someone – the whole audience seemed entranced.

Closing the first half of the show was
Chris Montez. I don’t think he stayed still for a single second during his set. He was all over the stage and exuded an infectious enthusiasm. He unleashed several well-known songs including a few made famous by Ritchie Valens. Ending with Let’s Dance he leapt from the Philharmonic stage join some of the ladies in the audience who were up and out of their seats for a chance to dance with him. He was very popular while signing stuff during the interval too, but then again every signature came with a kiss for the ladies.

Some splendid a capella singing opened part two, with Vanity Fare covering the Billy Joel classic The Longest Time. There most famous hit Hitching A Ride once again had the audience singing along before
Brian Hyland took to the stage.

Accompanied by his wife and son, Mr Hyland offered a fine selection of rock ‘n’ roll as well as his famous hits, Sealed With a Kiss and Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. The latter being quite a crowd pleaser.

Topping the bill was
Peter Noone. This man was the reason I went to my first Solid Silver Sixties Show way on back in 1995, and is therefore responsible for a number of people I have met through these shows that I am pleased to called my friends. It had been nine years since Peter last did one of these tours, but it was like he had never been away. His child-like enthusiasm spilled out on the stage and infected the audience, who were largely up on their feet dancing from the second he hit the stage. All the favourites were there including Mrs Brown, Sentimental Friend, Something’s Happening and my personal highlight, Sunshine Girl.
All the acts returned to the stage for the finale, Land of A Thousand Dances. Audience participation and dancing was compulsory. As the show came to an end it was clear that everyone had had a fabulous time.
Video playlist features - Brian Hyland, Chris Montez and Peter Noone.