Saturday, 23 July 2011

Promoting this blog


I got some mini moocards to help promote this blog. I used some of my photos to make them look pretty.

With a bit of luck next time I order some I can add more photos from forthcoming adventures.

In the meantime, hopefully, there's some posts about CDs coming soon. It's nearly Beatle Week in Liverpool so preparations at work are keeping me from getting things written right now.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Yes–Fly From Here


The latest offering from the latest line up of Yes is already firmly impressed on my brain. Admittedly this is because a version of the title track was realised as a bonus on the reissue CD of the second Buggles album Adventures In Modern Recording.

The first thing that strikes me is how nice is it to hear Benoit David putting his own voice to the songs. Not that he doesn’t do that to the other Yes songs played in concert, but comparisons will always be made so it’s good to hear “his” voice if you understand what I mean.

The whole album has a very “Drama” feel about it for obvious reasons, and David’s voice is certainly similar to Horn’s. Having made that comparison the album also has a fresh feel to it.

The five part Fly From Here suite (six if you count the overture) is unmistakably the highlight of the disc. A modern take on classical pieces with recurring themes and a fairly epic feel. It manages to be a lengthy piece that not only has the full and rich arrangements you expect from both Yes and Trevor Horn but also has moments so catchy that they live on in your head after you’ve finished listening.

The first track after the suite (The Man You Always Wanted Me To Be) seems fairly ordinary, possibly simply in comparison with what has gone before. In fact a lot of what follows, although still expertly executed, is eclipsed by the suite. Hour Of Need is quite catchy with a modern folky feel and Into The Storm rounds the album off very well indeed.

I’m looking forward to hearing whatever gets played of this album on the tour when I see it in November. It already feels familiar and that’s only after two complete plays. I’m fairly sure it will get a few more airings on the media player between now and the gig, and afterwards obviously.

Just the CD

 CD with DVD (Making of Fly From Here)

 MP3 Download

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Five Songs–Mid summer edition


It’s quite simple – list five songs, preferably accompanied by a word or two explaining their significance.  Not your five greatest songs of all time, but five songs you’re really into at the moment in time.

As ever this was prompted by Tim at his blog over here!


Dreaming In The Sun – The Wombles

I’m in a very Wombles frame of mind, posts will follow as I go through the rereleases. As I’m writing this entry out in the garden and yesterday I did actually grab 40 winks out here in the sunshine, so it seems an apt tune to rattle around in my head in this weather.

Mr Blue Sky – ELO

Bit obvious I know, but this isn’t just because of the nice weather, it’s also because I had a dream where I rewrote all the lyrics, but the only bit I could remember when I woke up was “making solenoids for Rover”

Lady Luck – Honeybug (link leads to YouTube video)

This has been rattling around in my head since International Pop Overthrow Liverpool last May. Catching and made entirely of awesome, I find myself dancing to this one every now and again.

Absolute Beginners – David Bowie

This is a recurring visitor on the jukebox in my head. I adore the lyrics. “The rest can go to hell” 

A Glimpse Of Heaven – The Strawbs

The Strawbs are often the default choice when I need something to listen to on the bus to work. This is a fabulous folksy tune that carries me off and makes the daily hassles of travelling to work in a city slightly more bearable.


So there you go! If you have a go of posting this on your own blog/facebook/whatever – let me know in the comments so I can go and be nosey!

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