It’s quite simple – list five songs, preferably accompanied by a word or two explaining their significance. Not your five greatest songs of all time, but five songs you’re really into at the moment in time.
As ever this was prompted by Tim at his blog over here!
Dreaming In The Sun – The Wombles
I’m in a very Wombles frame of mind, posts will follow as I go through the rereleases. As I’m writing this entry out in the garden and yesterday I did actually grab 40 winks out here in the sunshine, so it seems an apt tune to rattle around in my head in this weather.
Mr Blue Sky – ELO
Bit obvious I know, but this isn’t just because of the nice weather, it’s also because I had a dream where I rewrote all the lyrics, but the only bit I could remember when I woke up was “making solenoids for Rover”
Lady Luck – Honeybug (link leads to YouTube video)
This has been rattling around in my head since International Pop Overthrow Liverpool last May. Catching and made entirely of awesome, I find myself dancing to this one every now and again.
Absolute Beginners – David Bowie
This is a recurring visitor on the jukebox in my head. I adore the lyrics. “The rest can go to hell”
A Glimpse Of Heaven – The Strawbs
The Strawbs are often the default choice when I need something to listen to on the bus to work. This is a fabulous folksy tune that carries me off and makes the daily hassles of travelling to work in a city slightly more bearable.
So there you go! If you have a go of posting this on your own blog/facebook/whatever – let me know in the comments so I can go and be nosey!