Monday, 7 February 2011

Jacqui & Bridie's Folk Club: 50th Year and Final Night - Liverpool Philharmonic 23rd January 2011

Some of you may know that I spend a lot of time in Liverpool, in fact I am there all week now I work full time in the city, going home at weekends. What you may not realise is why I first I fell for this city.  It wasn't due to the Beatles as many would suspect given that I am a fan and my day job involves them more than a fair bit.

My love affair with the city of Liverpool began with the songs my dad would sing to me as a child, and many of these would be songs performed by Jacqui & Bridie and The Spinners.  (Incidentally, I would go on to a deep appreciation of The Mersey Poets to further my affections for the city before finally proceeding to The Beatles.)

When it was first suggested that there was going to be a concert to celebrate Jacqui & Bridie's Folk Club I immediately knew that I wanted to be there and, more importantly, I wanted to take my dad. I didn't particularly need to know who was going to be on the bill, when the tickets went on sale seats were purchased near the front and dad's Christmas/Birthday was dutifully sorted. The tickets were a small price to pay for the musical grounding I had been given.

The night was fantastic. From the first song, Kilgary Mountain, the audience were in fine voice, and the joy in the venue was almost tangible. The folk club ideal was upheld throughout the night, if you knew the words - sing along, if you picked up the chorus - sing along! The songs were punctuated with "terrible" jokes from Jacqui which the audience would either giggle at or greet with a well meant groan.

Everyone had a good time, whether they were on stage or in the audience. We were all a part of it and it was such an amazing thing of which to be a part.

It's hard to pick out highlights when I enjoyed all it so very much. Perhaps the most enduring memory will be Jacqui almost crying with laughter at John Gorman's hilarious performance of Ten Whisky Bottles. Jacqui remained on stage for the entire duration of the concert either listening to or joining in with the acts as they came on stage.

The evening was to mark the end of the folk club, but Jacqui went to pains to point out that she herself was not retiring and would be still available should anyone want her to appear anywhere.

The evening ended with the assembled musicians and the audience singing The Leaving Of Liverpool, followed - after loud calls for more - by the lovely Wild Mountain Thyme.

I was honoured to be there, even more honoured to share it with very special people and still hold the joy of the evening in my heart when I think about it.

Link to an online version of the programme for the evening. - for background information and details of performers.

Kilgary Mountain.

The Leaving Of Liverpool.

Link to youtube playlist of videos from the evening (in no particular order)

Thank you to Stephen for the photos.
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