Monday, 8 March 2010

Free Asia Download

There's a new album due from Asia next month and you can download a free track from it courtesy of AOL by clicking here.

Album details here.

And the band's official site is here.

Buy Asia CDs and Mp3s at Amazon



I am currently waiting for this to arrive!

Hopefully it'll arrive tomorrow. (Ordered it on Friday morning.)


Noisettes Gig

The Noisettes gig on Thursday was great.

I couldn't see a thing for most of the gig unfortunately, even going up to the balcony didn't improve my view, but that's my own fault for being short I guess! Despite not being able to see, I loved the gig. The band were great and the audience really appreciative (even if those girls with the big hair in front of me only knew the ones off the adverts!) There was a wardrobe malfunction of some kind which Shingai Shoniwa sang about off stage while it was sorted out. This was (I think) after the cover of Pure Imagination and before the cover of Chain Reaction. To be honest the latter cover was the only disappointment of the evening, as it was performed a little slower than the original which made it drag a little. The highlight, for me anyway, was the start of the encore as they performed Atticus which is one of my favourite songs by them.

Video of Cheap Tricks

Buy Noisettes At Amazon


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

First gig of the year coming up

I am (hopefully) off to my first gig of the year on Thursday. Probably not one most people would expect. I'm off to see the Noisettes in Liverpool.

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