Saturday, 1 August 2009


Tomorrow I am off to Liverpool to see Jon Anderson at The Philharmonic Hall. I loved the gig at Bilston last month and managed to get a few photos too despite being surrounded by people much taller than me .

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click the thumbnails for larger shots.

The sound in the Phil will be very different to the Robin 2, but then so will the atmosphere. I am very much looking forward to it to see how different it is.

Video from the Robin 2.

By way of introduction...

I like all kinds of music. Certainly there's stuff I don't like, in fact there's stuff that I loathe with a passion, but it's not necessarily down to the type of music.

Unlike HMV, that has me all confused where to find the CDs I want because they have split them in to that many genres I tend to categorise my music into "stuff I like" and "stuff I don't like" and usually concentrate on the former because life's too short to dwell on the latter.

So here you will find alsorts, I can make no apology for that and only hope I make sense.

Erase and rewind

I'm beginning my music blog over again.
Partially because it needed a little more focus and partially because I got carried away and erased all the posts while I redecorated the place! (oops!)

So stay tuned, I will do a proper post to introduce this blog very soon and hope to update it more often than I did before!

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